All racks and incubators will be on an approximate 3 week turnaround time

May be slightly longer/shorter depending on show schedule, order volume, or supply chain issues.
Messages regarding order status within the 3 weeks from time of order will NOT be returned!

Show Deposit

Show Deposit

upcoming shows

Tinley Park March 15-16 – use the pre-order deposit option on this page
Dallas NARBC March 29-30- use the pre-order deposit option on this page
Gettysburg Reptile Expo March 29-30: All orders must be pre-paid by March 7th. Place orders through our Rack and Incubator pages and use coupon code “Show Shipping” to have your order shipped to the Gettysburg show for free pickup. 

show pre-order

show pre-order is CLOSED

To pre-order please use the form below to put a $50 deposit on your racks and incubators that can be picked up at one of the upcoming shows.